Thank you for sharing Inem. I pray the new year brings respite and restoration for everyone. I lost my first job and dad within a year, five years ago. My dad in an accident, in a car I was driving. I did odd jobs because i wasn't sure what i wanted to do. I also disconnected from former colleagues or school mates. Then spent most of this year without employment. My fav aunt died from cancer. She was devout and was the equivalent of Tabitha in the Bible. It shook my faith, because people prayed everyday for her. Thankfully the end of the year, has brought renewed optimism and some joy. I realised i really like instructional design and educational media. I have gotten some lucrative engagements already. I trying to start a company. And the pipeline is looking good. Emotionally, I am more accepting of life. I feel more confident. But the most powerful thing, is gratitude. I started using a gratitude app recently. It sends prompts with suggestions. My new year resolution is whatever may come, to live in the moment

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